# [方案]造一个JSX模板指令(jsx-plus)
https://github.com/peakchen90/babel-plugin-react-directives (opens new window)
https://github.com/jsx-plus/babel-plugin-transform-jsx-condition (opens new window)
https://github.com/jsx-plus/babel-plugin-transform-jsx-slot (opens new window)
import React, { FC, useCallback, useState } from 'react';
// Создаём вспомогательный хук, для удобства
function useModel<T>(defaultValue: T) {
const [val, setVal] = useState(defaultValue);
// useMemo не нужен, так как объект не дойдёт до реакта
return {
value: val,
onChange: useCallback((e: any) => {
}, []),
// Создаём сам компонент
export const SomeComponent: FC = () => {
const model = useModel('');
return (
<input x-model={model} />
<div x-hide={model.value === 'hide'}>Type "hide" and this message will be removed from DOM</div>
const ContactList = user => {
return (
<View xRepeat={contact in user.contacts}>
<Image source={contact.avatarThumbSrc} style={styles.avatar} />
<Link to={`/chat/${contact.id}`}>{contact.username}</Link>